
Describe the shadow you cast
Describe the shadow you cast

describe the shadow you cast

If we ever needed to know who we are, it’s now. If there was ever a time for us to shine, it’s now. We’re living in a blackout, and the day is dark, but the light shines brightest in the darkness. We need a great awakening! We need enlightenment. We need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we’re really going to be the Light Of The World, we have to know who God really is.

describe the shadow you cast

I have been praying that prayer ever since. I began to pray that The Light of God would consume me until I had no shadow. I was contending for the courage to confront all of my greatest fears. There was a powerful shift that took place not only in my understanding, but in my heart posture. “You are the light of the world, like a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.” Those red letters in Matthew 5:14 had never meant more to me than they did in that moment. Maybe I’d heard those words a thousand times before, maybe I’d read them over and over in scripture, but in that moment my desperate heart finally heard them. THIS is enlightenment, that you know who you really are.” And, nothing can turn out the light that’s shining from inside of you. “YOU are the light of the world! It’s in your name. And, I felt the Holy Spirit respond to my hearts cry so gently. I was looking to see above the fear, above the anxiety. I was reaching for a state of enlightenment.


I prayed He would so transform my mind that eternity would become more present to me than this skin that was hosting me for my numbered days on earth. I began to ask the Holy Spirit to teach me a new way of thinking, to lift my eyes to another realm. That both pain and promise could exist in the same soul. The one thing is knew for sure in all of the chaos was that The Father was teaching me to dance while the tears streamed down my face. There were other heartbreaks that would unfold throughout the year, but these are stories I’m not yet permitted to tell. In the following days, there was weeping mingled with an unrelenting and violent hope. I knew in that moment that The Father of all Fathers was inviting us into a trust far deeper than we had known before and into a love stronger than death. I can almost feel it now, if I let myself go there.

describe the shadow you cast

The sun was beginning to set as we listened to each other breathing over the phone, and with every breath there was pain, but there was Peace. A couple hours later, they called to tell us that it was cancer, and that a decision on treatment needed to be made relatively quickly. I felt a calm that only comes from hearing the voice of the Lord come over my entire being from head to toe. He already had a plan, and He was going to take care of my Daddy. He told me that that the doctor’s diagnosis would be cancer, but not to be afraid. He said that the news about my Dad wasn’t good, but it was all going to be okay. I took a deep breath and asked the Holy Spirit what was going on. It’s that ‘you know you’re about to get socked in the stomach, and you’re just waiting to get hit’ kind of anxious. I had that sort of anxious feeling in my belly. My dad hadn’t been well for quite a while, and he finally decided to go to the ER to get checked. One particular Sunday in March, I was decorating the back patio to throw a dear friend of mine a bridal shower, and my brother and I were waiting for a very important call from my parents.

describe the shadow you cast


Needless to say, the windows and doors are always open in the Gretzinger house. And, this may sound funny to some of you, but anyone who’s lived here knows that Spring is the only time of year that the trees and the grass are green at the same time. The mornings and evenings were crisp and cool, but the days were warm. It was spring of 2017 here in Redding, and everything was just beginning to bloom.

Describe the shadow you cast